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Community Economic Development Initiatives In The Wild Rose Region

CFWR Economic Development Projects

In the past year, Community Futures Wild Rose has successfully implemented a variety of community economic development projects aimed at fostering local entrepreneurship, creating sustainable job opportunities, and enhancing the overall economic vitality of our region.

Regional Workforce Development Project

The collaborative project includes the Government of Alberta, Wheatland County, the Town of Strathmore, Prospect Human Services, Community Futures Wild Rose, Kneehill County, and Rocky View County. Together, they aim to develop a regional labour market profile and strategic plan to address workforce challenges, close labour gaps, and improve training access. Funding from project partners will support businesses and communities in the CF Wild Rose Region. The Ballad Group is the project consultant, managed by CF Wild Rose. This initiative seeks to enhance workforce resilience, foster economic growth, and create a sustainable framework for meeting current and future labour market demands through strategic planning and targeted initiatives.

Digital Economy Program #2

The collaborative project includes the Government of Alberta, Wheatland County, the Town of Strathmore, Prospect Human Services, Community Futures Wild Rose, Kneehill County, and Rocky View County. Together, they aim to develop a regional labour market profile and strategic plan to address workforce challenges, close labour gaps, and improve training access. Funding from project partners will support businesses and communities in the CF Wild Rose Region. The Ballad Group is the project consultant, managed by CF Wild Rose. This initiative seeks to enhance workforce resilience, foster economic growth, and create a sustainable framework for meeting current and future labour market demands through strategic planning and targeted initiatives.

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Capacity Building for Entrepreneurs

This initiative, funded by the Northern Regional Economic Development Fund (NRED), aims to provide business training and mentorship in response to the RRRF Needs Assessment. The project will create six training modules focusing on Financial Literacy, Human Resources Management, Marketing, Work/Life Balance, Growth in Business, and Operations. Additionally, a mentorship program will be established to support businesses in their development by offering coaching and guidance to overcome key challenges. A Business Development Officer has been hired to assist in the development of training curriculum and to manage the Business Mentorship program

Hire for Talent

Hire for Talent is a national awareness campaign run by the Restigouche Community Business Development Corporation (CBDC) in Campbellton, New Brunswick. Part of the Community Futures Network of Canada, CBDC Restigouche delivers a range of small business support programs, as well as other innovative projects and initiatives.

Hire for Talent aims to increase employers’ confidence in hiring people with disabilities and provides resources to help employers tap into this talent pool during their search for skilled workers. As part of this campaign, we will also be conducting a national research study, in partnership with the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC). Hire for Talent is funded by Employment and Social Development Canada under the Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities.

The national research study will explore the experiences and practices of small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) in rural areas seeking to support employees with disabilities, as well as SMEs’ needs for support and tools.

A set of three digital surveys will be distributed to SME employers on topics related to employees with mental health and substance abuse issues, as well as flexible work environments for people with disabilities. Community Futures Wild Rose has partnered with CBDC Restigouche for Phases 1 and 2 of this project, which will be delivered throughout our region.

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YETI - Youth Entrepreneurs Training Initiative

Community Futures Wild Rose's YETI program, in partnership with CF Capital Region, is a dynamic initiative targeting the entrepreneurial spirit in young individuals. This program offers aspiring entrepreneurs the tools, resources, and mentorship needed to actualize their business ideas. Through workshops, training sessions, and networking events, participants gain insights into key entrepreneurial aspects such as business planning, marketing, finance, and customer service. The goal is to inspire and support the next wave of business leaders, fostering innovation and growth in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

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Online Learning Management System

The dual-phase initiative led by CF Central Alberta focuses on implementing an intuitive online learning platform to support entrepreneurs and CF office staff. This collaborative effort involves CF Wild Rose’s participation on the steering committee for the three-year project. The goal is to modernize existing resources and tools into a unified online platform that caters to a younger demographic, offering robust training and business plan development support. Tailored to the RRRF Small Business Needs Assessment, the platform aims to provide self-directed, 24/7 access to Business Training and Guidance for entrepreneurs at all business stages. The ultimate aim is to establish a comprehensive online learning solution that meets entrepreneurs' needs and enhances CF office support.

The Capital Growth Initiative

The Capital Growth Initiative (CGI) funded by the Alberta Government supports rural women entrepreneurs through low-interest loans and business advisory services. In partnership with Alberta Women Entrepreneurs, the initiative aids women entrepreneurs to elevate their business. This $6 million project allocates $3 million each to Alberta Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) and the Community Futures Network of Alberta (CFNA). The CGI enhances Community Futures services by providing partially forgivable repayable loans at preferential rates and wrap-around support, including mentoring and networking. With seven loans totaling $130,000 already issued, the CGI program empowers women entrepreneurs, fosters business growth, and boosts economic opportunities in Alberta.

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Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Project

In partnership with CF West Yellowhead, this project aims to enhance disaster preparedness in Alberta's Community Futures (CF) offices. With a focus on wildfires, floods, and pandemics, the project seeks to better equip CF offices to support businesses and non-profits during emergencies. Objectives include educating CF staff and municipalities on disaster preparedness, developing internal tools and policies for disaster management, and creating resources for non-profits and businesses. Training sessions, round table discussions, and workshops will promote collaboration and knowledge sharing. The project aims to provide templates, policies, and toolkits for disaster readiness, tailored resources for non-profits and businesses, and emphasize a collective approach among participating CF offices.

Business Mentorship Program

The Business Mentorship Program pairs participants with experienced mentors in their specific business development interests, fostering unique relationships that inspire thought, reflection, and skill development. Mentors provide support, guidance, and a positive influence, benefiting both parties. Meetings are scheduled bi-weekly to accommodate mentor and mentee availability, with the first meeting initiated by the mentee within a specified deadline. Virtual support sessions are available throughout the program. The structured program spans Spring 2024, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025, offering leadership growth and networking opportunities through connections with seasoned professionals in the mentees' chosen field.

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We’re Here to Help!

At Community Futures Wild Rose, we understand rural start-up businesses like no other. We come from the same community you live in. We know what it’s like and we’re determined to make things work for you.

Contact Us

101 - 331 3rd Avenue
Box 2159
Strathmore, AB  T1P 1K2
P: 403-934-8888

Communities Served

Acme, Ardenode, Bassano, Beiseker, Carbon, Carseland, Chestermere, Cluny, Conrich, Dalemead, Dalum, Delacour, Gem, Gleichen, Hussar, Huxley, Indus, Irricana, Kathryn, Keoma, Kneehill County, Langdon, Linden, Lyalta, Norfolk, Rockyford, Rosebud, Standard, Strathmore, Swalwell, Three Hills, Torrington, Trochu, Wheatland County, Wimborne