Meet The Wild Rose Board Of Directors
The Community Futures Wild Rose team is powered by its Board of Directors. Our board members really care about the community and understand the challenges of owning a business. Meet our Board of Directors:
Board of Directors:
Amber Link
Wheatland County - Councillor
Jason Montgomery
Town of Strathmore - Councillor
Rosalie Jimmo
Village of Carbon - Councillor
Mike Wetzstein
Town of Bassano - Councillor
Richard Bryan
Village of Standard - Councillor
Dennis Hazelton
Director and IRC Committee
Town of Three Hills - Councillor
Julie Sim
Town of Irricana - Councillor
Les Schultz
Village of Hussar - Mayor
Les Spurgeon
Village of Beiseker - Councillor
Flo Robinson
Director, CED Committee
Village of Linden - Councillor
Rhonda Laking
Village of Acme - Councillor
Leah Smith
Director, CED Committee
Village of Rockyford - Councillor
Chris Armstrong
Director, IRC Committee
Town of Trochu - Councillor
City of Chestermere
Wade Christie
Vice Chair, CED Committee
Kneehill County - Councillor
Members at Large:
Pat Wise
Member at Large - IRC Committee
Tari Cockx
Member at Large - IRC Committee
Sabine Nasse
Member at Large - IRC Committee
Angela Groeneveld
Member at Large - CED Committee
Town of Strathmore, EDO
Jamie Kramble
Member at Large - CED Committee
Wheatland County, EDO
Jeannette Austin
Member at Large - CED Committee
Three Hills
Board Members & Selection
- Directors must reside in the district
- Directors shall be eighteen (18) years of age or older
- The terms of membership on the Board of Directors shall be set by the Board of Directors from time to time, provided however, that no Director may serve as a Director for more than nine (9) consecutive years.
- Any Director desiring to withdrawal from membership, may do so by submitting to the Secretary his/her resignation, and thereupon shall cease to be a Director. Such action shall not preclude that Director from becoming a Director in the future.
- Any Director may be expelled from membership for any reason deemed to be prejudicial to the best interests of the Corporation by majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors. Prior to the vote being taken, the person proposed for expulsion shall be given fourteen (14) days notice in writing of the proposed expulsion and shall be afforded an opportunity to explain or justify his/her position to the persons present. At such meeting no person other than the Board of Directors, the person purposed for expulsion, and any necessary witness shall be present. After such expulsion, a Director would be eligible for nomination after a minimum of one (1) year.
- Unless otherwise determined by the Shareholders at an Annual General Meeting, or a Special Meeting, the number of Directors shall be equal to the number of Shareholders of the Corporation with each Shareholder entitled to one Director's position.
- Directors shall be appointed by the Shareholders and need not be a Shareholder but must be a nominee of a Shareholder.
- Each Director shall be appointed from each Shareholder Community.
- One Director may be appointed from each of the fifteen (15) Shareholder communities.
- Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors for any reason may be filled by an alternative appointment of the Shareholder community.
- The Shareholders shall appoint Directors as provided herein, and it is further provided that a Director need not be a Shareholder.

Are you a prominent member of our business community and looking to make a difference?
Impact the growth of our community and join our board. We’re always looking for great people to help better our business community here in the Wild Rose region and offer new growth opportunities to Wild Rose based entrepreneurs.